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[0PR]≡ Read Gratis Wrong edition by SJ Cole Lp Lovell Romance eBooks

Wrong edition by SJ Cole Lp Lovell Romance eBooks

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Wrong edition by SJ Cole Lp Lovell Romance eBooks

I have no idea why I didn't completely love this book. The writing was fantastic I usually like a dark read. I guess sometimes it is what it is. I guess what was wrong for me is that this wasn't a dark erotic read which I assumed. and I know you shouldn't assume. It was more a very violent explicit gory read. In fact not much sex in this book at all except towards the very end, and by than I hated Jude so much it was hard to enjoy it. I also wasn't real thrilled with Tor either her actions seemed so confusing considering the situation she was in. I have to think as much fighting she did that these men would have hurt her a lot more than they did in the beginning. I have to say pay attention to the warnings because this is very violent not much happiness and it does end on a cliff-hanger.

Read Wrong  edition by SJ Cole Lp Lovell Romance eBooks

Tags : Wrong - Kindle edition by SJ Cole, Lp Lovell. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,SJ Cole, Lp Lovell,Wrong,Fiction Romance Suspense,Fiction Thrillers Crime

Wrong edition by SJ Cole Lp Lovell Romance eBooks Reviews

There were things I really liked about "Wrong" but things I didn't like at all. Here's the rundown

Tor She's my hero!! There aren't enough books out there with really strong female characters and I think she was one of the strongest I've ever read because she never gave up! Every time she had the slightest opportunity to escape she took it. Even when the chances of succeeding were slim and the outcome wouldn't be good for her she still did her best to get away. She never backed down from her captors, especially verbally. She was a badass!!!

Jude What a loser! He's supposed to be this big-time bookie who has people working for him but never seemed to come across as anything but bumbling. He'd tell his people to do something (or stop doing something) but they'd just do what they wanted. I kept feeling like he needed to get rid of all of them and get some guys who knew how to follow directions! Jude threatening them with something but then never following through probably had a lot to do with it too. And I really hated his "I would never hurt a woman but it's not a problem for me to order someone else to torture her while I watch" attitude. What a prince.

The "cliffhanger" ending It wasn't much of a cliffhanger and I could totally see it coming. If Jude had been a little more blessed upstairs he would have too but guess that would have spoiled the opportunity for another book!

I don't think I feel invested enough to give #2 a shot...
A sexy anti-hero, a doctor with a passion for saving people, and a dark, messed up plot. Intriguing and entertaining, but sorely lacking in development of any kind.

I picked this up after Kill Me, which I loved, and would highly recommend to lovers of dark romances.

And while this story was entertaining, it was missing the deep connection and development for me to really be invested in the characters and the story.

The mannerisms and dialogue felt stilted sometimes, and the characters' actions weren't always justified. I had no idea what they were going to do, and why they were going to do it.

You have a hero who punches walls, and yells the F word probably at least three times a chapter, and while the man had issues, I still liked him. The heroine had no character development, so I'm not sure what I can say about her. She was really tough in the beginning, putting up a pretty impressive fight, but then some of the things she does didn't make much sense to me.

There was a lot of things missing for me in this story, but I still enjoyed it. The plot was engaging, and the hero was a little insane but hot. It does end on a pretty big cliffhanger, but I'm not jonesing to get to the second; I might read it someday.

A dark romance some really liked, so if you are looking for a lighter dark, (does that make sense? - there's no strong connection for me to feel any angst) sexy story than this might be the one.
Future Doctor, loving sister, and attentive girlfriend. Victoria plays all roles as if her life were an adorable sitcom you'd see on Primetime television. When her boyfriend, Euan, gets a nasty visitor demanding money for gambling debt, Victoria's life as she knew it ended. Euan pawned her to a set of dangerous criminals and needs to pay within 3 days. With Victoria's life on the line - will Euan pay up and most importantly- will Jude, head bookie, let her go?

In my opinion, the core of this book follows Victoria and each segment of her life and is symbolized by the author's use of multiple nicknames.

When we the reader see the main character at face value hard-working, future Doctor, pretty blonde, etc.
A "real" character, someone the reader can relate to. Just an average girl trying to make the best life decisions and taking what's thrown at her. Here she clings to her morals and values and is a true fighter both physically and mentally.
The damaged Ria. This girl isn't broken though- she's better than ever. She doesn't care for the mundane rules of life, she sets her own rules.

The antihero of this story is Jude Pearson; bookie, family criminal, and killer. Jude was "meh" in my opinion- I sure as hell didn't fall in love with his character. He alternated between too extreme and soft. I couldn't understand his "family" business either- he preached on and on about loyalty but truthfully he wasn't the hardcore loyal character the book claimed he was. He was like that person everyone knows who tries to start a fight cause you looked at them funny when in fact you were just daydreaming about dinner- chill out! No need to kick a$s over every tiny thing.

Overall, an enjoyable read with likable characters. There was a cliffhanger ending that gives more hope for more action in book two- I intend to continue the story based on recommendations that is suuuuper dark! xx
I have no idea why I didn't completely love this book. The writing was fantastic I usually like a dark read. I guess sometimes it is what it is. I guess what was wrong for me is that this wasn't a dark erotic read which I assumed. and I know you shouldn't assume. It was more a very violent explicit gory read. In fact not much sex in this book at all except towards the very end, and by than I hated Jude so much it was hard to enjoy it. I also wasn't real thrilled with Tor either her actions seemed so confusing considering the situation she was in. I have to think as much fighting she did that these men would have hurt her a lot more than they did in the beginning. I have to say pay attention to the warnings because this is very violent not much happiness and it does end on a cliff-hanger.
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